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Missenden School of Creative Arts is held at Missenden Abbey.
















Missenden  Abbey, a former medieval 12th Century Abbey situated in the village of Great Missenden, Buckinghamshire. The Abbey is a conference, wedding and events venue as well as having a long tradition of hosting art, craft, textile and general interest courses for adults.

The learning facilities include art studios and a number of meeting rooms that vary in size. All lecture rooms have integrated hearing loops and all ground floor rooms are wheelchair accessible.


Jan began learning Bobbin Lace Making at Missenden Abbey in March 1980, and she began teaching at The Abbey in March 2000.


For future courses at Missenden School of Creative Arts click here.

Missenden abbey.jpg
Missenden Abbey entrance.jpg
<<<<The entrance to         Missenden Abbey
view from a study window at Missenden Abbey. The residential block and teaching rooms are a modern addition.   >>>>

 To view photographs from Jan's courses at Missenden School of Creative Arts since March 2019, click on the relevant date.



If you wish to see photographs from courses at Missenden Abbey from 2000 - 2018, then go to the gallery on my old web site, which is no longer being updated. 

Click on this link, but it will take you away from this web site.



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